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Invigorating Finland

Visual identity for a campaign to inspire new forms of business around sports events.

Client: Innostava Suomi campaign
Year: 2014–2017
Designer: Pekka Piippo

Designed during my years at Hahmo

Invigorating Finland


A wide variety of high-profile sports events were held in Finland in 2017. The Invigorating Finland (‘Innostava Suomi’) campaign gathered innovators together to consider ways in which this opportunity could be transformed into new forms of business.

A website was designed for the project’s communications and to attract participants.

Workshops featuring the new visual identity were held throughout Finland. Plywood boards were an easy and ecologic way to make the workshop spaces look right.

A series of stickers was designed to identify campaign materials. The visual style formed illustrations of Finland and birch sauna whisks.

A digital material bank was created to provide easy access to all the visual elements.